Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Motorcycles Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Motorcycles Company - Essay Example The size of these engines ranges from 500 cc to 1000 cc. Now the organization is planning to introduce large tour class motorcycles in order to target those customers who love to travel long distance. The proposed target market for this segmented motor cycles are the males aged between 35 and 60. The organization is targeting the customers whose income level ranges from 55, 000 US dollar to 100, 000 US dollars. The management of the organization decided to develop new strategies for newly proposed motorcycles. In addition to this, the organization will try to continue with its existing products in order to maintain existing client base. Discussion This part of the essay will outline required process steps that are required to develop the motor cycle. Process Steps and Rational for response First of all, it is important for a project manager to identify key suppliers for the required engines that are used in touring class motorcycles. Many suppliers and distributors are available in t he market. But it will be effective for the organization to rely on old and existing suppliers. The project management team should find out effective and skilled workforce who has the ability to fix the engines and parts and develop new touring class motor cycle. It has been discussed in the case study that the organization is trying to use larger than 1100 cc engines in their touring class motor cycle. ... The organization should develop a budget for manufacturing and distributing these motorcycles to end customers. The organization should try to give high quality parts and engines in the motorcycle to gain significant customer loyalty and high brand preference. In addition to this, effective budget management process will help the organization to determine the pricing of motorcycles. The project management team should try to incorporate advanced technology in business process as it will help the organization to reduce the operating time and cost. In addition to this, the employees of organization can feel limited work pressure by this strategy implication. Promotion is an important element for an organization to market its products and services. Motorcycle rally, digital media promotions and online advertising will help the organization to create huge brand awareness. Last but not the least; the organization should give value to after sales service and feedback process as it will help the organization’s project management team to improve the quality of the motorcycles. Recommended Strategy to senior executives It is important for the organization to focus on its existing business activities rather than wholly focus on new business strategies. It is true that the organization is implementing new business and product differentiation strategy based on the recognition and profitability of existing business. The senior executives should realize that maintaining business sustainability in the long term is the important objective for the organizations. On the other hand, creating some brand awareness on the mind of target customers for the newly developed motorcycle would serve short term needs of this motorcycle company. It is impossible for the organization to

Monday, February 3, 2020

Contribution of 2010 World Cup To Local Businesses Term Paper

Contribution of 2010 World Cup To Local Businesses - Term Paper Example The main area of consideration in this review is the impact on local businesses. There are several expenses incurred during preparation and several benefits result from the events according to Maennig & Zimbalist (2012). The first article by Andrew Carlson discusses the heavy spending during the stadia construction. The government spent several million for the stadia at the expense of local projects. The tournament attracted investment from foreign companies and local companies were excluded from participating at the event. The big companies benefited from the constructions and FIFA partnerships. The second article discusses the marginalization and injustices experienced by informal traders. They were driven out of the cities and the municipality authorities increased the licensing fee. This locked out several traders from benefiting from the event. Some of their goods were confiscated by the authorities and some traders were arrested. Workers in the construction companies were also underpaid. The third article focuses on the benefits brought about by the link between the beachfront and the stadium in Durban. These infrastructural developments brought both positive and negative effects on local businesses in Durban. The transport business was improved, and there were short term job opportunities. Negative effects such as criminal activities were also attributed to the tournament. From: Carlson, A. (2010). A Theoretical Analysis of South African Identity and Audience for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Preamble, 6, 1-18 Carlson discusses the impact of the world cup on the country’s identity. The world cup was a historic event that would change the image of the country and continent in the global economy. The world cup is defined as a mega event that has both long term effects, both positive and negative. The government hoped to alleviate poverty levels and boost its economic development agenda. The expected economic windfall was more compelling for the country t o host the tournament as suggested by Matheson and Baade (2004). Carlson examines the identity and negotiation in the postmodern era. Some of the impacts were increased tourism, improvement of infrastructure, and short-term business growth. Infrastructure improvement and job creation occurred at the expense of local projects and finances. The aim was to improve the national pride and unity. The country was required to construct stadiums that met the FIFA standards. This meant constructing new stadia instead of renovating the existing stadia in the country. In Cape Town, the government had to forego the smaller and accessible Athlone stadium and construct a larger Green Point stadium. Athlone is the home to Ajax football club. It is located on the Cape Flats, which would increase accessibility for local fans. The Green Point stadium was more expensive than Athlone upgrades. This construction cost was borne by the local municipality and the government. However, Green Point provided a better view of the ocean and Table Mountain. This construction was aimed at enhancing the World Cup value instead of contributing to the development of the local area according to Alegi (2007). Several companies were given contracts for the construction work. These companies benefitted from millions of rand set aside for the stadia projects.Â